аналог Fraps для Iphoneа

Png, as it was unused( strapless rifle across back). Added new item property 88 to ignore subgroups when stacking items. Added code to make chance of disease transfer in battle depend on ratio of current range to transfer range. Changed creature spawning rates to be weighted by new ' fWeight ' field in game data. Fixed Blue Rot, Smallpox, Pneumonia, and Hepatitis from stacking multiple stages on same creature. Fixed a bug that caused craft confirm button tooltip on non-crafting pages sometimes. Fixed a bug that caused crafted output items to be missing software sometimes. Fixed a bug that caused ' SetImmunity ' to ignore ID namespaces in mods. Fixed a bug that caused return to Zom Zom's to delete confiscated items. Fixed a bug that caused confiscate to throw null pointer error if used a second time during a play session. Fixed a bug that caused gas mask cartridges to not fit on ground.

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