Игры Похожие На Hearthstone Sony

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Added ability to spy on hexes in addition to creatures, which can be used to reveal hidden creatures before entering. Changed creature detection stat to be fixed instead of varying per-turn. Changed full meal benefits to have higher hydration value. Fixed a bug that caused running moves left to restore during battle. Fixed a bug that caused previously visible creatures to sometimes start battle invisible. Fixed typos in Hatter and Looter encounters. Fixed a bug that caused stacked conditions to have wrong start date in save games. Fixed null pointer bug when creature's tile was null during visibility check. Fixed a bug that caused King Eli to offer to talk without any talk encounter happening. Removed ability to wear Blue Frog sash on face( was causing too many bugs). Added recipe for lit smudge stick. Added code to prevent AI looting important hex objects. Changed ' Search ' move to start weak, and to stack effects over time. Changed UVDs to degrade silently. Changed ' Reveal Self ' move to require AI Intelligence, so animals don't do it. Changed confiscation box to have more space and arrange items largest-first, to reduce lost items. Fixed a bug that caused Blue Rot 2 recursion.