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Changed map to have larger swamp area, with jagged boundary. Changed Stoat to always appear if player wearing cryo wristband, and not otherwise. Changed AI hex looting to use current lighting and detection level to check if camps are seen, instead of pure random number. Changed items screen silhouette to have better hit areas( filled gaps). Changed Merga Wraith AI to avoid charging in combat. Uses advance instead( to make escape possible). Changed poison condition so that abdominal pains are a separate condition, so other conditions can share effect. Changed poison condition to be invisible, and only symptoms visible. Changed Blue Frog spawn coordinates. Changed pistol ranges from 10 to 30. Changed shotgun slug ranges to 60. Changed dirty rags treasure from 3-5 units to 4. Fixed a bug that prevented Hatter revisits from triggering. Fixed a bug that caused all items to be use-degraded in encounters, even if use charges were set to 0. Fixed several missing discharge values in scavenge encounters. Fixed a bug that caused software to be missing in treasure that involved locked or uncharged hardware. Fixed a bug in AI setting player conditions.